Thursday, December 18, 2014

Juicing recipes and my results from a three day juice fast

Juicing recipes and my results from a three day juice fast

 Some juice we made recently

My family got me a juicer for Christmas, (Yes, we celebrated early), so I decided to go on a juice fast.  I used this site, All About Juicing, to get my recommendations and learn the "tips of the trade," so to speak.  She's really got some great information that helped me a lot when I was getting started.  I highly recommend her site.

The intention of my fast was to clean out my system, and I determined I would go for as long as I felt I could. I did my fast for 2/3 of a day, 2 days and 1/2 day to be exact.  The first day, I really didn't know what I was doing and broke my fast right at the end of the day.  The second two days went really well.  There were a couple of times I felt like I needed something solid in my system, so I had either a couple of fresh mushrooms, a bit of avocado or some unseasoned home made broth.  After just a bit though, I was satisfied, and I didn't feel like I'd broken the intent of my fast.  Each day I drank juice for 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks a day.  I drank about 80 ounces of water and took milk thistle capsules to help my liver with the detoxing.  Additionally, I often added 1 tablespoon ground flax seed and chia seed blend to my juices for additional help with detoxing.

During the two days of "solid" fasting, I had no desire for solid food, (except for what I mentioned above), and working with the food didn't bother me at all.  I had a remarkable amount of energy!  I did things around the house I haven't done, or been able to do, for months.

The last 1/2 day was different.  I woke up feeling good again, but after I'd had my morning juice; I didn't feel as well.  I'm uncertain if it was the combination or if it was that my body was just "all done" with the fast.  I drank my juice and my water and wasn't satisfied like I had been the previous days.  I had my morning juice snack of a combination that I knew had been successful the previous days, just in case it was the juice combination that was the problem.  That didn't help.  I still felt head-achy, shaky, and I was hungry.  Because that juice combination that had previously worked out well didn't, I decided it was time to break the fast.  I had about a cup of home made unsalted turkey and vegetable soup and about 1/2 cup unsalted mashed potatoes and mushrooms.  I had another glass of juice mid-afternoon and fully broke my fast at dinner time, eating a normal meal with my family, although my appetite was reduced.

Overall, I lost 8.6 pounds and several inches.  My legs are not swelling like they had been before, and my blood pressure has come down significantly.  I still have a long ways to go health-wise, but I feel like I'm on the right track.  I believe I will add juicing and juice fasts into my regular way of life.

Some successful juicing recipes I did while on my fast:


2 tangerines, 1 apple, 2 celery, 1 kiwi, a piece of ginger


2 apples, 3 carrots, 4 celery, parsley 


1/3 beet with connected greens, 2 carrots, 3 celery, a piece of zucchini, 1/2 lemon, parsley

Things that didn't work out well for me, or I didn't care for:

Adding pureed banana or avocado to my juices
Cucumber or a whole zucchini
Sweet potato

Absolute favorite recipe thus far:

2 tangerines or 1 orange, 2 apples, 1 kiwi fruit

I hope my results and the recipes help and encourage someone :)

Update 12-22-14:  I juice fasted until dinner on the 20th, then I ate normally after that.  The next morning I had lost 4 pounds!

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