Thursday, December 18, 2014

Iodine Deficiency

A friend of mine asked me to create this document, so I'm posting it here because I believe might benefit from it.

I've recently learned about iodine -- specifically the deficiency thereof.  Michigan is actually known for being iodine deficient -- there's nearly none in its soil.  Kind of remarkable, I think!

I'm waiting for a book that I've ordered that will give me a lot more information, but this is what I've gleaned so far.  And just a heads up -- the iodine they add to salt is not readily bio-available, so don't think you're covered if you're using iodized salt.

"At a basic level, sufficient iodine is responsible for proper development and metabolism in individuals. The nutrient supports an appropriate metabolic rate in the body, maintains constant energy levels, benefits the formation of healthy skin, teeth and hair, and regulates the reproductive system. The nutrient is also beneficial for appropriate immune function, prevention of fibrocystic disease and cancer, and maintaining healthy cells." (From:

Note the portion I highlighted.  They make that seemingly simple statement, however, if you think about it -- that's HUGE!  Maintaining healthy cells...  I've read from other sources every cell in our body needs iodine.  From what I've learned, the thyroid needs it the most:

"The body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones, natural chemicals that regulate many functions of the body. Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating metabolism, maintaining proper bone and brain development and performing a variety of other functions." (ibid)

However, all the other cells of our body need it, too.  The liver is a big user, requiring it to manufacture digestive enzymes amongst other things. Even though the thyroid desperately needs the iodine, the rest of the body gets dibs on it.

Some of the "diseases" that are indications of a possible iodine defiicency are:
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Breast, Thyroid, Ovarian and Uterine Cancer
  • Detoxification
  • Fatigue
  • Fibrocystic Breasts
  • Graves' Disease
  • Hashimoto's Disease
  • Hypothyroidism
just to name a few.

How to test for iodine deficiency -- paint a patch about 2" in diameter on the abdomen or inner arm of iodine.  The kind typically found in a medicine cabinet will work just fine.  If the iodine stays on the skin unchanged for 24 hours, there is no deficiency present.  If it's there 10-24 hours, there is a deficiency.  If it is only there 10 hours or less, there is a severe deficiency.  When I did my test it only was present on my skin for 2 hours!

Here is a page with instructions on how to dose iodine once a deficiency is detected.  The proper form needs to be acquired -- it's called Lugol's iodine, which isn't a brand but a formulation.  It should be available at most health food stores.  I got mine at Amazon.  Use the paint test to detect iodine levels.  They say it may or may not be necessary to dose daily.  Thankfully, with the paint test, it's easy to tell!

Iodine has been used historically to treat blood clots, varicose veins and tumors by topically painting the iodine over the affected area.  I don't have my Lugol's yet, I've just been "playing around" with the cheap'o stuff I got at WM to do the paint test.  I woke up at 4ish and my leg was hurting so badly I couldn't get back to sleep.  I painted the painful area where I'd previously had several ruptured tendons and now have pretty intense varicose veins with my cheap WM iodine.  The pain immediately went away, and the veins were dramatically reduced in the morning.

I hope this information is helpful.



Update 1-20-15:  I wanted to give an update since I've been using iodine both topically and internally for about a month now.

Topically -- I've been putting it where ever I hurt or feel I need it, especially my left knee.  I've been told I need both knees replaced, (they are bone-on-bone with arthritis), and the left one really gives me a lot of trouble.  I often  have to use walking sticks, (basically crutches), and can't walk around the grocery store.  However, since I've been using the iodine on my knees -- I just do it whenever it hurts -- my pain has gone way down.  It has gone down enough that I was able to walk around a grocery store on Saturday, and my knee was not bothering me when I was done.  That is nothing short of remarkable!

Internally -- I'm only taking the US RDA at this point and am not seeing a lot of difference, though I am seeing some.  I'm going slowly and am hoping to find a holistic doctor nearby who can properly evaluate me.

Book reviews -- I'm planning to do some book reviews, one of which being the Iodine book by Dr. Brownstein.  

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