Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Gall Bladder

Thank you very much for all of you who have been praying for my health over the last several years. I'm doing much better, but I want to share something that happened a few days ago.😱
I have been doing a liver flush that I learned in conjunction with my Plexus biz. 😎 I have done one before and I really didn't see much. After that we went to the wedding in MI. 😍😍😍
My belly has continued to be uncomfortable since my gallbladder surgery 2 years ago. I've continued to feel as if I had another large gallstone! Even though it, along with my gallbladder, was removed then. It was septic and it was taken on an emergency basis. I knew that I had a very large -- golf ball sized! -- stone in there for at least 15 years, but I had been asymptomatic all that time. Fast forward to 2 years ago.
As I said, I continued to experience some discomfort, even though it had been removed. I knew that I could continue to produce stones without the gallbladder, but in this country they don't give you the option of them just removing the stones surgically, as they do elsewhere. Well, I learned WHY I was experiencing such discomfort on Friday!
As part of the liver cleanse, I had to do some fairly aggressive things to clean myself out. In the afternoon, I found a fairly large piece of plastic in the toilet!!! 😱😱😱😱
It looked rather like a Lego only with the bumps being concave rather than convex. It was about 2" long, 3/4" wide and 1/2" deep. Explains so much!! And, no, I didn't save it. 😶🙄😮
Anyway, I'm feeling better this morning. I was counseled to continue to do the cleanse yesterday and I passed MANY stones over the course of the day! Thank you for praying for me. I'm sure this is a big part of what was keeping me down, at least belly-wise. Now, I can continue to truly get well 😍😍😍😎🤩🤩🤩

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