Thursday, October 26, 2017

My story continued...


I am with an international health and wellness company. I have a pretty remarkable story to share about their products.

Last Christmas, I was admitted to the hospital for 2.5 weeks after experiencing several small strokes II
I ended up coming home from the hospital with several “assistive devices,” and was considered a “fall risk” while I was there. That was NOT fun! My health had been deteriorating for a few years prior to this. I had been told that I needed a double knee replacement and I was about 100# over weight. Because of that, the surgeon I had consulted with, refused to do the surgery. Never mind! I didn't want it!

I don't do well with most prescription medications and I didn't want anyone cutting on me anymore! I'd already lost my gall bladder last year to it being “septic” (infected), and a few other organs in the past. God gave me all my parts for a reason.

Also, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and told I was diabetic with that “visit” for my gallbladder. No Fun! I didn't need meds, thankfully, but I was still a diabetic and my A1C was never perfect. I was reasonably close, but never perfect even though I was very careful with what I ate.

Anyway, my health just continued to deteriorate for a number of years, even though I had been an “alternative” cookbook writer back in the early 2000s. I had known about candida since I was just out of college and had tried several times to get rid of it, but never had been successful with my attempts. Finally, my friend, @elsa moss, reached out to me about Plexus. She felt I probably had an advanced candida infection. I agreed! However, nothing I had tried before had been successful. I agreed to try what she was offering, and for the first time, I began to improve! It wasn't a quick or easy fix, and I know that I've got a Long Way to go yet, (I've been sick my whole life,and I'm over 50 years old now.)

I can easily say that I've not had this quality of life in, probably, at least a decade or more.

One of my closest friends said I reminded her of what I was like about 10 years ago. I rarely need naps anymore, (I'd been diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion about 20 years ago), I have lots of energy to do what I need to do and my pain level is hardly even there anymore. I'd been diagnosed with severe arthritis in my 30s and also fibromyalgia. I hardly hurt at all! I'm also dropping sizes pretty rapidly, while being able to eat again. I have choices about what I can choose now, unlike just a few months ago, where my “acceptable foods” list was extremely short! Two years ago, when I lost my gallbladder, I was down to only being able to eat a handful of foods, and even those were causing me digestive issues. I even went on a very strict diet called SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet.) It was very difficult; even within the restrictions, there was little I could eat due to allergies!

Thank the Lord for my friend who was brave enough to talk with me about Plexus. It's truly been life changing! I was able to attend, and enjoy, both of my younger children's weddings this summer and fall. The way I was last year, I didn't know if I was going to even
make it to them! Praise the Lord! I am also no longer diabetic!

If my story strikes any chords with you, or if you think you might know someone who might benefit from these products, please feel free to contact me

I would love to be of any assistance that I can.



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