Friday, October 2, 2015

Stove Top Quick Bread, Gluten Free

Stove Top Quick Bread

Stove Top Quick Bread

I spoke with Cheryl, the author of this book, "Cooking for Life: 90 Recipes to Reverse Inflammation, Speed Weight Loss, and Energize Your Brain."  I honestly believe her principles are going to be life changing for me.  She talked about making changes that were "easy" -- not going to put our brains into "flight or fright" mode because we perceive them as being stressful.  However, if we make small changes, our brains won't think they are "hard" and we'll begin to start healing on the deeper levels of the mind and emotions.

For me, cooking low carb is already pretty easy.  The thing I feel like I'm supposed to change at first, the "first easy step," as Cheryl says, is adding more healthy fats into my way of eating.  I've been using unrefined coconut oil and real butter (Kerrygold brand that I can get at my local Walmart) for a while now, so what I'm adding in is more flax and chia seeds.  They are loaded with nutrients and super healthy fats.  That's easy!

This morning I wanted some soft boiled eggs (recipe below) and toast for breakfast, but I'm avoiding wheat because of the inflammation connections.  That meant I needed to come up with some other suitable bread substitute, and pretty quickly, because I'd already been up for a couple of hours and hadn't eaten yet, (yeah, bad, I know.  I'm working on that!)  So, I sat down and took a minute to hear the Lord, and came up with this recipe.  The flour ingredients can easily be substituted for other flours if need be, though I did like the combination. This recipe is definitely a work in progress, and I think it has a lot of possibilities in other applications.  It did work well for what I wanted at the moment, as "eggs in a bowl with toast," and a piece of toast with some Polaner all fruit blueberry spread.

How the bread looked when it was done baking in the pan

Here's a picture of my breakfast and of the bread how it looked in the pan when it was done baking.  (It's garnished with some turmeric, in case you were wondering.)

Stove Top Quick Bread

In a mixing bowl combine:

1/4 cup organic corn meal or other "flour" as tolerated
1/4 cup almond flour/meal
2 tablespoons coconut flour
2 tablespoons garbanzo bean flour (chickpea flour, besan)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon sea salt (I use Real Salt or Himalayan salt)

Add while stirring to make a loose batter:

1 egg
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (with the mother -- this is to activate the baking powder)
1/2 cup water, or more if necessary

In a 6" frying pan, cast iron preferred, just melt over medium-low heat:

1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon butter (I use Kerrygold)

Before the butter is completely melted, pour in the batter and smooth the top. (I wasn't very careful with this step because I was anticipating flipping it over.  I decided not to do it though.)  Cover the pan with a tight fitting lid and "bake" it over medium-low heat until it is done, about 12 minutes.  The top should be firm to the touch when it is done and no longer sticky.  Makes four "slices" of quick bread.

I used these as biscuits for "Biscuits and Gravy" for lunch.  It was the best bread base I've ever done that is low carb as a biscuit replacement!  I just served it with some basic chicken gravy over broken up pieces of the Stove Top Quick Bread.  I like it!  Let me know if you need instructions for a basic gravy.

Biscuits and Gravy with Stove Top Quick Bread

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