Saturday, February 27, 2016

Emotional Healing with Flower Essences -- My Story

My Story of Emotional Healing with Flower Essences

When I was five years old, I went for a sleep-over at my adult sister's home. When we arrived, excitedly she told me, "while I get the groceries out of the car, you go inside and make yourself comfortable.  Since you are staying with me, we can stay up as late as you want!"  Thinking that meant I could go to sleep as soon as I wanted, I headed for bed right then.  Once she brought the groceries inside, she couldn't find me.  After a bit of searching, she finally found me -- sleeping in her bed!  She woke me up, and we ended up having a fun time together.

The point of that story is that, even as a young child, I was exhausted and felt like I couldn't do things.  I have had those feelings most of my life, largely due to chronic illness.  However, what I want to share is how that has recently changed.  In fact, this is one of the most life-changing things I have ever done, next to my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

A few months ago, I learned about flower essences.  I've known about Bach Rescue Remedy for many years, but I was unfamiliar with the individual flower essences.

This link will take you to Pure Formulas where remedies can be purchased

Clicking on the picture above will take you to Pure Formulas 
where you can search for and purchase remedies.  
I will receive in-store credit for my referral.

I was having a very difficult time emotionally.  I felt like something had snapped inside my head!  I had heard stories of women reaching menopause and doing, saying and feeling crazy things.  I believe that was what was going on with me.  So that, in combination with the overwhelming fatigue and on-going illness I had been experiencing, really made me feel like I couldn't do anything.  It was awful!  I was having suicidal thoughts and just generally despairing.  I was in a very bad way.  I requested prayer, and within a short period of time, I learned about the other flower essences.

I took a self-test for the flower essences located here.  This link will open a PDF file which then can be printed and scored with the attached score key.  There are many other self-tests on the internet which can be taken, but I like this one because it is printed and I could weigh my answers.  With an online questionnaire, that would be more difficult.  When I scored my test, one of the remedies was almost "screaming" at me!  That was the one I needed.

I began my journey with the individual remedies by ordering olive remedy, pictured below.

Clicking on the picture above will take you to Pure Formulas 
where you can search for and purchase remedies.  
I will receive in-store credit for my referral.

I was having a particularly bad day when my new remedy arrived, so I read the instructions and took some right away.  Honestly, I do respond to natural medicine very quickly, so everyone else may not feel the instant rapid relief that I did.  However, what I experienced that day was nothing short of remarkable!  I went from feeling depressed, exhausted and feeling like I couldn't do anything, to feeling like I COULD do things!  My mood lifted, and I was no longer exhausted.  I felt like a human being again!

Read that paragraph again.  Let that sink in.  I went from being nearly suicidal to feeling like a participant in life within what was really just a few moments.  That is what I would call a miracle!

After a couple of weeks of feeling that I Could Do things, I decided to try another remedy, Star of Bethlehem.

Clicking on the picture above will take you to Pure Formulas 
where you can search for and purchase remedies.  
I will receive in-store credit for my referral.

Star of Bethlehem Remedy is used to treat traumatic stress.  Traumatic stress can be from a variety of things:  Job loss, injury, illness, surgery, loss of a loved one, and a host of other reasons.  Personally, I have been diagnosed with PTSD at least three times in my life.  I began taking Star of Bethlehem essence shortly before I had to have emergency surgery (unrelated.)  I was very thankful to have this remedy plus Rescue Remedy and Olive Remedy for my time in the hospital.  My husband works for a Chinese Bible camp and their yearly Christmas conference was being held when I had to have my surgery.  He was very busy in another part of the State, so I did not have him with me to hold my hand during that extremely traumatic, even life threatening time.  However, I did have my remedies, as well as, other friends and family with me.  Without the remedies, I fully believe I would have had some sort of mental break down if I had been in the condition I was before starting the Olive Remedy a few months earlier.  With the Star of Bethlehem, helping me with the trauma, the Olive Remedy helping me know that I could do this, and the Rescue Remedy helping me with the general stress, I was able to come through an extremely difficult time with a smile on my face and a cheerful heart.

There are many other brands of flower essences available.  I've used a few different ones.  They all seem to work just fine.  I have mixed my own formula that I take four times a day.  It contains just a few drops of each of the essences that I am taking.  Additionally, if I have a traumatic experience, feel stressed or that I can't do something, I take the remedies straight from the bottle, (always being careful not to touch the dropper to my mouth), and I always feel better right away.  I keep a bottle of Olive Remedy in my pocket or bag nearly all the time.  I always am sorry when I forget to bring it with me!

Mixing a custom remedy is really a simple process.  Begin with the flower essences desired.  In my case, I use Olive Essence, Star of Bethlehem Essence, Rescue Remedy and a sleep blend I purchased online.  I put four drops of each remedy in a new dropper bottle, (I learned the hard way never to use an old bottle!), add one teaspoon of brandy, vodka or raw apple cider vinegar, and pure, (never city tap), water to the top.  I take four drops four times daily, away from food.

Another word of caution based upon personal experience:  Don't store flower essences near essential oils.  On the pendulum of natural remedies, oils are on one end and flower essences are on the end.  Oils are very strong, even caustic, while flower essences are extremely gentle.  They cannot be stored near each other because the oils are so strong that they will render the essences ineffective.  Don't put them in the same cupboard or next to each other on a counter.  I have mine about six feet apart on my bathroom countertop, and they are doing fine.

I hope that my story has helped.  If for some reason the links above don't work, remedies can be purchased at and my referral code is RPVJYG.

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